
Hey, I'm Lydia!

I like playing in the sun and dirt, growing things and taking care of plant babies. When I’m not doing that, I’m watching E! or the  RHWOanywhere and thinking about how to make french fries burn fat (I've never met a french fry I didn’t love). I earned my level 1 crunchy hippie mom badge birthing my little man Mitt unmedicated (ya know, how everyone around the world does...) But I guess the internet liked it cuz our little birth story went viral- go figure.  I'm on a mission to keep myself and my family well, naturally and love and honor our Earth. I'm married to Ben and we are a blending family in progress. I'm loving on my growing tribe of sisterhood from all around the world, join us and stay connected.

DIY Wild Hair Growth Oil

DIY Wild Hair Growth Oil

I went natural years ago- but I only recently watched a documentary that made me throw out even more of my "natural hair products".

The Netflix show is called STINK and it is all about the really sloppy and dangerous lack of regulations surrounding fragrance labeling. If you are committed to only giving your hair completely natural ingredients, you have got to watch it!

Did you know that companies can legally use the word "fragrance" in their ingredients and NOT disclose what exact chemicals are used under that umbrella? So carcinogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals are hidden under that label. They are allowed to hide literally hundreds of chemicals, and just slap the word "fragrance" over the top of those chemicals.

So you could technically see an ingredient deck full of natural oils that are usually wonderful oils for our hair, but if at the end of the ingredients it says "fragrance", you could be slathering on hundreds of toxic chemical compounds in addition to the good oils.

Its really pretty scary.

I want healthy natural hair, but beyond that, I want my body and brain and cells free of toxins.

Cancer is not a part of my long term plan so I try to do my part now, and keep the carcinogens OUT!

Our skin is our largest organ and within seconds of slathering anything on it, you can find traces of it in our internal organs and blood stream. I have written a blog post in depth about this here. Check it out if you want to rid yourself of the toxins that would hinder you from living your best life.

There is one oil in particular that gets a lot of rave reviews from natural hair influencer's. Wild Hair Growth Oil- Props to their marketing because that name makes you wanna run to the shelves and buy 20 of them. The price point is low too, under $6 for wild hair growth? Ill take 30 bottles! If you take a closer look at the ingredients, they are mostly wonderful except, you guessed it, at the end it says "fragrance".

I'm telling you sis, if you see the word "fragrance" on any of your products... run. It is code for "I'm not gonna tell you what I hid in here because you would freak OUT!"

This is where I give you one more plug to watch this documentary especially if you are really committing to being natural natural, like, for real real.

Instead make your own DIY Wild Hair Growth Oil

DIY Wild Hair Growth Oil:

Fill with water and shake well, Allow ingredients to fuse for 30 minutes. Shake well before each use.

(I wrote a blog post here about the benefits of each of these essential oils in addition to some other ones that are also amazing for natural hair. )

(if your hair is dry, you can also Add 2-5 drops of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil )

stir with a tooth pick or the dropper top.

I use the oil straight from the dropper and put several drops on my scalp and massage into my skin and throughout my hair.

I use this oil when I am wearing braids, weaves, wigs or just natural and I leave it in, although, it can also be rinsed out after 10-15 mins if you find it sticky. Its also a great over night pre poo.

I only use Young Living Essential Oils, why? Well basically because this sis does not like to be played.

And some of ya'll are getting played. period. dramatic pause.

Like I said before, I have been natural for years! And I am like most of you, who have watched youtube natural hair influencers using whatever is on hand essential oils, like it doesn't matter.

It actually matters A LOT.

It really DOES matter what kind of oils you use. When I decided to dive into this world, I did some research into different companies who sell essential oils, I discovered is that Young Living is the ONLY company in the world that has what is called the Seed to Seal process.

They OWN their farms, so they are literally in control of the seeds they plant, the soil it goes into, the cultivation of the plant as it grows, the harvest, the distillation of the plant material including time, temperature, pressure, etc. All the way to testing and bottling. I've been a beneficiary of this very open-door, transparent policy and visited several farms around the world. Notably the Lavender farms in Provence France and the Hawaiian Sandalwood farms in Hawaii and Darwin Australia! They also have the most ethical standards for sustainable farming. They have a commitment to our mother earth and I love that.

Cheaper oils come at a HUGE cost.There are SO many things companies can do to cut corners and make their oil more profitable. They can distill the same plant material multiple times, which changes the chemical constituents because that plant material has already been heated so high. So that oil will not have the therapeutic benefits you were hoping for. They can add chemicals to the cookers to extract more oil. They can add chemical perfume to the oils to make them smell better. They can dilute the oil to make it cost less to fill a bottle.


See, I dont like being played. I do my homework. If you are the same, then JOIN THE COMMUNITY!

We have a growing magical community of Naturals helping people get rid of ALL THE TOXINS.

Once you join our team as a MEMBER, we have a private facebook group that you will be added to, a FREE business jumpstart, monthly classes and MORE!

There is no pressure to sell, if you just want to join our magical community and just purchase and learn more about using the oils, that is awesome and we have resources available if you just want to use the best therapeutic grade essential oils on the planet. You will be obsessed with all the things these oils can do for you in your life.

You may be here for hair and skin tips, but did you know essential oils have mental, physical, spiritual and emotional benefits too?

Find out more by subscribing here.

Start the journey and let us walk through it with you.

We would love to have you!

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