
Hey, I'm Lydia!

I like playing in the sun and dirt, growing things and taking care of plant babies. When I’m not doing that, I’m watching E! or the  RHWOanywhere and thinking about how to make french fries burn fat (I've never met a french fry I didn’t love). I earned my level 1 crunchy hippie mom badge birthing my little man Mitt unmedicated (ya know, how everyone around the world does...) But I guess the internet liked it cuz our little birth story went viral- go figure.  I'm on a mission to keep myself and my family well, naturally and love and honor our Earth. I'm married to Ben and we are a blending family in progress. I'm loving on my growing tribe of sisterhood from all around the world, join us and stay connected.

Keeping Your Little One Healthy All Year Long

Keeping Your Little One Healthy All Year Long

Keeping your little one healthy all year long.png

The Best Ways To Keep Your Little One Healthy All Year

Flu season is one of those things we tend to worry about seasonally, its every year but only for a certain amount of time. However, if we create healthy habits now, we won’t have to be as worried about changing and creating habits every time “flu season” or as 2020 has taught us “pandemic season” rolls around. 

Another reason to build these habits is because “flu season” is actually just a period of time where kids are consuming more sugar from halloween and other holidays, the days are short, sunshine decreases with less time outside and there is a near constant whirlwind of activity during the holidays. All these factors work together to weaken our immune systems and leave our kids especially vulnerable to illnesses like the flu and other bugs. Keep reading for five habits you can build up as the best ways to keep your little one healthy all year!

  1. Sunshine. Being outside in the sunshine is GREAT for your kids. It’s the best way to get vitamin D as well, which does a lot for boosting the immune system. Vitamin D actually acts as an activator for the immune system, and can even help prevent autoimmune diseases along with respiratory diseases such as colds and flus. Nothing beats the sunshine but you can also supplement with a quality vitamin D supplement like this one here

  2. Keeping clean. Hand washing, wiping down door knobs, avoiding face touching, sanitizing cell phones, and keeping all surfaces clean will help reduce the likelihood of catching and spreading illnesses. Something as simple as the top of a drink can, may be covered in all kinds of bacteria… While we shouldn’t be fearful, it’s important to be smart and proactive with what we may be assuming is safe. Thieves oil by Young Living is a great option to use as a general cleaner/sanitizer that is completely non toxic and 100 percent effective at killing Germs. DM me to discuss your kit options. I would love to help you!

  3. Let them get dirty. Now, I know this is seemingly contradictory from my previous point but hang on a minute. Did you know kids who play outside in the dirt build up stronger immune systems? Similarly kids with pets have more diversity in there gut microbes. So while you want to keep those kiddos clean, we wanna strike a balance between also making sure they have exposure to some good old fashion dirt as well. I love this book by Dr Axe that talks more about it!

  4. Sleep and stay home when needed. Getting the right amount of rest is extremely important for our babies and kids. They need it to grow properly, to fully retain the things they learn,to be creative and have better moods and to build up an immune system that can fight off any illnesses they do come in contact with. Be sure your little ones are getting enough sleep each night, and staying home and do less when they need to. Ya’ll know I am obsessed with essential oils- I love lavender and cedarwood for my own sleep and I use peace and calming, gentle baby and lavender as part of my kiddos sleep routine. Grab your essential oil starter kit here- or DM me on instagram! @lydiakia

  5. Quality food and lots of water. Opt for organic foods that aren’t stuffed with GMOs, antibiotics, and hormones. All of these things are absolutely horrible on their own—but even worse for the developing minds and bodies of our kids. Staying hydrated with filtered drinking water is also important for their health. Avoid regular tap water whenever possible, and be sure your kids have easy access to filtered or bottled water at home. I LOVE MY BERKEY FILTER! Unfiltered tap water has potential to be filled with too many minerals and particles that aren’t safe to ingest consistently. For example, hard water that contains too much calcium can cause painful bone spurs—extra growths that shoot off the normal bones of the body.

  6. Less sugar, more natural goodness. Instead of sugary and starchy snacks, go for natural and healthy snacks that boost the immune system. Raw, organic fruits and vegetables; cold pressed or homemade juices; and homemade trail mix with your kid’s favorite nuts and dried fruits are just a few ways you can replace starch and sugar in your home. It is also important to incorporate natural vitamins, supplements, and pre/probiotics into daily life so your children are raised knowing that watching your health is normal and a good thing to do. Keep organic elderberry syrup on hand as a natural way of reducing colds and flus by up to four days; and organic bone broth as well, so you can make soup if needed.

I hope these five habits you can build up as the best ways to keep your little one healthy all year have inspired you to help your child create healthy living habits for their future. The habits you build when they are small will stay with them all their lives… So make them count. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any other tips, or questions you may have. I would love to chat with you!

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