What’s The Deal With CBD: Why Everyone Is Into It
CBD, Cannabis, and terpenes-- Oh my!
CBD is so hot right now, I’d check your pulse if you hadn’t heard about it. What’s not as clear, are the details surrounding these three little letters. Let’s clear up some of the confusion surrounding what exactly CBD is, and what it does.
Welcome to your little crash course on CBD. It’s pretty much a staple at my house, so just know I am extremely for it! But keep reading to find out why.
CBD, short for “cannabidiol,” comes from the hemp plant. Hemp is one of two species of the Cannabis Sativa plant. CBD is mainly associated with pain and anxiety management, due to its ability to chill you out and reduce inflammation. THC is very different from CBD, and if you’ve ever been to a backyard BBQ at my friend Carol’s house—you’d see the difference in action. *Wink* THC comes from a different plant than CBD; THC comes from the cannabis, or marijuana plant, while CBD is from hemp. CBD (unfortunately ;) ) will not make you high, and reacts with different cannabinoid receptors than THC does.
What are cannabinoid receptors?
Cannabinoid receptors are a part of your endocannabinoid system, and are found in your immune cells, glands, brain, other organs, and connective tissues like joints and ligaments. Your endocannabinoid system is what works to stabilize your body from the inside and regulate normal functions. The cannabinoid receptors are directly involved in a TON of things your body needs to work properly. These include: the reproductive system, pain/pleasure, digestion, memory, sleep, mood, temperature, and movement.
So why do we have these receptors?
Your brain actually makes a chemical called anandamide that works hand-in-hand with your endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid receptors. Anandamide is the chemical responsible for decluttering your brain, creating new nerve cells, and triggering things like “runner’s high.” Anandamide is vital to your higher thought processes, motivation, memory, appetite, and fertility.
CBD and THC both attach themselves to your cannabinoid receptors, but they each favor different types. CBD favors your CB2 receptors and will only reduce inflammation and relax you. THC favors CB1 receptors and will make you high. They work differently alone, but together, CBD can actually counteract the effects of THC.
Use of CBD and THC together is actually part of something called the “entourage effect.” This term is the name for the fact that using every part of a plant for therapy is more effective than using single components. You can think of it like baking a cake. The ingredients alone can be good, but a whole cake is wayyy better!
Another ingredient to think about when considering CBD is terpenes. Terpenes are oils found in all plants. The kind of terpenes a plant has will directly impact your experience. For example, the difference between the calming effect of lavender and the invigorating effect of citrus.
Some types of essential oils are high in terpenes, and are quite useful depending on what you are looking for. Examples of terpene essential oils to try are: Young Living’s Trauma Life, Trinity Terpenes’ Biscotti, Sweeterps’ Terpene Sample Pack, and Rocky Mountain Oils’ Copaiba Balsam.
I hope this has been an eye-opener for anyone on the fence about trying out CBD. Always be sure to do proper research and consult your doctor before self-diagnosing or self-medicating. Your doctor will be able to tell you what is truly best for your personal and specific issues, as well as what the risks are. Making informed decisions about your health is very important, so no slacking!
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