Breast Implant Illness and How it Works
In my last blog, we discussed the dangers of heavy metals in breast implants. However, metals aren’t the only things in breast implants that can cause health problems! There are actually several chemicals and substances used to make implants—and most of them are VERY unsafe! In this blog, we’ll be talking about all these other toxins, and how they impact what is known as “breast implant illness.”
What is Breast Implant Illness?
There are over 100 symptoms that have been related to breast implant illness (BII). BII is a common illness that many women with breast implants experience. However, it’s not always a matter of where or what kind of implants you get. Even women who have the most recent versions of breast implants from the most reputable plastic surgeons can feel the effects of BII. Some of the symptoms of breast implant illness can include:
Autoimmune Diseases (fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjögrens, etc.)
Bacterial Infections
Breathing Problems
Difficulty Concentrating
Digestive Problems
Dry Eyes/Mouth
Hair Loss
Joint Pain
Memory Loss/Issues
Mold-Related Infections
Muscle Pain
Skin Problems/Rashes
Weight Changes
This is just 20 of over 100 different symptoms that have been related to breast implants. The worst part is that much like many autoimmune diseases, BII is not a generally recognized illness. So even if you suspect that your implants could be making you sick, your doctor may not even account for that possibility!
What Causes Breast Implant Illness?
Silicone, saline, and gel are the 3 types of breast implants. All of these words on their own don’t exactly scream “toxic substance” since we are so used to hearing them. However, the chemical ingredients that make up these 3 implants are actually pretty scary to think about being inside your body. For example, there are several known carcinogens, solvents, and neurotoxins that are found in all breast implants; and will wreak havoc on your body. Some of these chemicals include:
Epoxy Resin/Hardener
Ethyl Acetate
Isopropyl Alcohol
Methyl ethyl ketone
Paint Thinner
Polyvinyl Chloride
Printer Ink
Talcum Powder
This is just 15 of more than 40 harmful chemicals that can be found in any breast implant. Just like “fragrances,” breast implants can be considered a blanket term for several different chemicals in unknown amounts. I would definitely encourage you to do some deep-dive research on breast implants, as well as all the risks involved if you have or are considering getting them. If you do have breast implants, comment below if you have noticed any persistent health issues since getting them! I recently got my own implants removed, and I would also be happy to answer any questions as well, so feel free to start a discussion with me in the comments so we can all be better educated together!
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