
Hey, I'm Lydia!

I like playing in the sun and dirt, growing things and taking care of plant babies. When I’m not doing that, I’m watching E! or the  RHWOanywhere and thinking about how to make french fries burn fat (I've never met a french fry I didn’t love). I earned my level 1 crunchy hippie mom badge birthing my little man Mitt unmedicated (ya know, how everyone around the world does...) But I guess the internet liked it cuz our little birth story went viral- go figure.  I'm on a mission to keep myself and my family well, naturally and love and honor our Earth. I'm married to Ben and we are a blending family in progress. I'm loving on my growing tribe of sisterhood from all around the world, join us and stay connected.

Crystal Hot Springs Relaxing Night

Crystal Hot Springs Relaxing Night


Crystal Hot Springs is just over an hour north of our home in Salt Lake Cit. Its in the town of Honeyville Utah and just off the freeway. The healing mineral hot springs at Crystal Hot Springs are contained in man made pools and it’s a sorta perfect if a bit random hippie hot spot in northern Utah.

Crystal Hot Springs boasts the highest mineral content IN THE WORLD! Compared to Lava hot springs in Idaho, it has 39x more minerals. Compared to Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas, it has 178x more minerals! I think that reason alone makes it worth the visit. 

What’s also impressive is the size of the mineral hot springs- 6x bigger than Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone.

Ben and I have been to Crystal Hot Springs several times while we were dating, but it wasn’t until I got pregnant and then had the baby that it became an absolute perfect solo escape for me. Its just kinda perfect for some much needed mama self care. Soaking in the healing hot mineral waters, stretching, journaling, getting lost in an audiobook is just my kind of recharge After I’ve rinsed off in the locker room, I make time to mousturize and then apply a plethory of my essential oils on my wrist, behind my ears, on my neck and over my heart before bundling up and driving back home.  Its like a hippie spa day. 

I can especially feel the healing in my back and knees- the hot mineral water really does do wonders. 

This particular weekend, was a “big kid free weekend”- #blendedfamilies- We had a babysitter ready for the baby, so we could have a romantic date but she got sick so we ended up taking him and let me tell you, I’ve never seen a more chill baby in water. He just bobbed around and looked around, smiled and relaxed. It ended up being so lovely having him crash our date.

By the way, if you do have kids, Crystal Hot Springs does have a huge heated water slide- which is pretty amazing because it’s open YEAR ROUND- unlike many of the pools that close in the winter. So it’s an awesome way to spend the pent up energy of those little bodies when the whether is cold. 

I got baby Mitt an OTTEROO and its a gamechanger for swimming with a little one. You’ve gotta check them out.  

He was so comfortable and able to enjoy the warm water without getting his face wet or worrying about ingesting it. 

Otterroo link

Here’s the address and contact info for Crystal Hot Springs 

8215 North US Hwy 38

Honeyville, UT

(435) 279-8104 or (801) 547-0777

Like I’ve said, I have been to Crystal Hot Springs many times, but as of mid 2019, they completely revamped the facility. New buildings, new lockers, new pools- so it a major upgrade to the experience. 

Here are some of the minerals and a list of some of the health benefits listed from there website.  



CALCIUM – This is a mineral that serves a major structural and physiological role in many metabolic processes. Benefits: Bone and tooth formation, Heart rhythm and blood clotting, Nerve transmission, Foot/leg cramps, Menstrual and menopause issues, and Helps prevent osteoporosis in women, promotes stronger tooth enamel and bones. 826 mg/l

CHLORIDE – Chloride, dissolves in water and carries an electrical charge. Since the body is mostly made up of water, electrolytes are found everywhere in the body – inside the cells, in the spaces between cells, in the blood, in lymph glands and everywhere else. Chloride has a negative charge (while potassium and sodium both have a positive charge). Because electrolytes have electrical charges, they can move easily back and forth through cell membranes. This is important because as they move into a cell, they carry other nutrients in with them and as they move out of it, they carry out waste products and excess water through the cell membranes.  21,700 mg/l

FLUORIDE – Is useful in strengthening bones, reducing tooth decay and osteoporosis in women. Benefits: Good for bones, teeth, blood, skin, hair and nails. 1.15 mg/l

IRON –  Helps with: Hemoglobin Formation, Muscle Function, Brain Function, Restless Leg Syndrome, Regulation of Body Temperature, Chronic Disorders, Oxygen Carrier, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Neurotransmitter Synthesis, Predialysis Anemia, Fatigue, Immune System, Energy Metabolism, Enzyme Systems, Insomnia, and Concentration .41 mg/l

LITHIUM – Lithium is one of the most powerful sources available for mood disorders. Lithium shows up in water notably in springs and spas where in earlier times people “took the waters” bathing in and drinking the lithium rich water for its soothing effects. Benefits: Active in promoting the formation of new brain cells. (neurogenesis)  Protects against neurodegenerative diseases including: manic depression and brain injury. Known for its calming effects. Used in Antidepressants. 11.9 mg/l

MAGNESIUM – This element is essential for life and required for the formation of enzymes that release energy from food. Benefits:  Plays major role in metabolism of glucose. Strengthens muscles and verves, vital for the nervous system. Necessary for proper bone and teeth formation Helps protect against cardiovascular disease and lowers high blood pressure. Important to neuromuscular transmission 197 mg/

MANGANESE – This is a trace element essential for life, called the “brain mineral” due to its’ importance in the utilization of all mental/functions. It is also an important antioxidant. Benefits: Thyroid and metabolism. Sex hormone, reproduction and growth. Good for allergies, asthma, diabetes, fatigue, osteoporosis. Enzyme activation. .019 mg/l

POTASSIUM – Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is an electrolyte, thus it maintains the bodies fluid levels. Benefits: Regulates blood pressure and heart function .Assists in controlling convulsions, migraines, allergies, alcoholism.  Promotes faster healing of burns, cuts and bruises. 675 mg/l

SILVER – Before the invention of antibacterial soap, silver was used as a disinfectant. It is still most commonly used to kill bacteria. Silver is effective at both preventing and combating bacterial illnesses and infections because it does not corrode. In ancient times silver was used in wound dressings and it was frequently used for the same purposes in America following the Civil War. It is also why churches use silver chalices in Communion to stop disease spreading through the congregation. Silver fell out of favor with the advent of regulated synthesized medications but has become popular again along with lifestyle trends that promote natural organic food. Prevents infection .0075 mg/l

SODIUM-  Sodium is an electrolyte that plays a crucial role in maintaining balance of positive and negative ions in body fluids. Benefits:  Helps maintain blood pressure levels. Vital components of nerves, blood and muscle. Plays a role in neuro-electrical transmission of cells. Assists in controlling mental apathy. 15,200 mg/l

STRONTIUM – Strontium rich food items can prevent the individual from arthritis and other bone deformities. Strontium in combination with calcium is considered to be very effective against the process of osteoporosis. Strontium is considered to increase the bone mass and few people also say that strontium nourishes the bones. Traces of strontium are found in making bones of humans. Strontium may also be helpful in making cartilage and joint capsule. In a study, it was seen that strontium provide strength to the bones and help in providing support to the muscular mass of the human body 25.3 mg/l

SULFATE – Rids the body of toxins which helps the liver. Promotes healthy hair, nails and prevents skin inflammation and infection. Also helps with respiratory problems. .411 mg/l

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