The Myers' Cocktail Benefits
The Myers’ cocktail isn’t your typical cocktail. It has no alcohol, just a vitamin combo that can help with SO MANY things! The Myers’ cocktail is probably as close to magic as you can get…
Here’s what it has been proven to help with:
Allergies and asthma
Boosting the immune system
Cardiovascular disease
Gives energy and fights fatigue
Respiratory infections
Soothes inflammation
Spasms and cramps
As you can see, the Myers’ cocktail has benefits that are great for anyone! So what exactly is in it? Something like this has to be some kind of complicated concoction, right? Wrong!
The Myers’ cocktail is actually only four ingredients:
B Vitamins (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 12) - These boost your metabolism and provide you with increased energy.
Calcium - This helps your body have healthy cell production, nerve function, muscles, blood, and bones.
Magnesium - It boosts your immunity, and improves nerve and muscle function.
Vitamin C - This is used to reduce inflammation, and help your immune system.
It’s not all that much, so what makes the Myers’ cocktail so much better than just taking some supplements every day? The Myers’ cocktail is special because it’s actually given through an IV. This makes it so your body gets to fully absorb all the vitamins, along with their benefits. Vitamin C alone is absorbed fifty times more through an IV than a supplement. Isn’t that amazing?? All it takes is about half an hour once or twice a week, and you will feel so much better and healthier. The Myers’ cocktail is truly rejuvenating to your whole body, and even your mental state. When your body feels good, it’s easier to have a positive outlook and attitude.
I hope you have been inspired to give intravenous vitamin infusions like the Myers’ cocktail a try. They have so many amazing benefits, and you will not regret taking advantage of them for yourself!
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